Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sleeping in

Jonas didn't wake up till 9 this morning. It felt great to get a few
extra hours of sleep. I guess that he was making up for his restless
night. He also took a long nap and is falling asleep in my lap. I
hope he won't get too much sleep.

We were going to go walk around Northlake mall but we ended up at
Target. I got a new lip-gloss and some hair ties. I almost got Jonas an
iDog and some Legos but I decided to wait for his birthday.

I want to go through my closet and get out my dressy work clothes to
see which ones fit. It would be like getting new clothes because I
haven't dressed up for work in a few years.

I think I'm going to give Jonas a bath in the big tub tonight once
Brett gets home. It might work better now that he can sit up well. And
he can play with all of his bath toys.

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