practice fixing my hair for work, practice with my new makeup...
Basically everything I haven't done since I got pregnant. I started by
clear coating my nails tonight. You know it has been a while when your
husband asks you to explain why you are painting your nails clear. I'm
not even sure he has ever seen me paint my own nails. I asked home to
do my right hand now that his job includes touch up painting... He
didn't respond. Maybe one day I will be so lucky.
Jonas had a pretty good day. He only fussed when he fell down and hit
his head or when he was ready to go to bed and I kept walking away
from him. He had a lot of fun at the grocery store. He had to look at
everything we put in the cart. I'm sad that they don't give out free
balloons anymore.
I'm looking forward to our ikea breakfast tomorrow.
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