Monday, August 31, 2009

Head cold

I have a head cold.

Today went well. I have been dressing up for school and I am starting
to get used to it. I'm sure that it won't last. I get to wear jeans
and my gator jersey on Friday. I love football.

I am very happy that my students have been well behaved so far. It
makes me excited for this year.

Sunday, August 30, 2009



High of 69?

That's what it will be tomorrow. I can't wait.

Stef and John Paul left earlier and I just got up from a two hour nap.
I have to do laundry and go to the grocery store so I guess I better
get going.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I think I'm going to stop timing my runs for a while and just enjoy
the trip.

2 miles in about 20 minutes.

I love my students

I missed most of them this summer. It's good to see them again. So
far, I'm off to a great start. I'm getting better about getting the
procedures in place. I'm motivated to do a good job (I don't know
where that came from). And I'm doing well running the team meetings. I
hope I can keep this up.

I feel like I'm slacking at my most important job. I'm exhausted when
I get home and almost too tired to play with Jonas. The only thing I
want to do when I get home is be with him but it seems like I always
have a to do list. I'm sure I'll get better as the year goes on.

Stef may be coming. I'll believe it when I see it. We are all going to
discovery place tomorrow. I might have some friends over to help
celebrate Brett's birthday but I guess that depends on what Brett
wants to do.

I received my books yesterday. I started with the new vampire academy
and then I'm going to read the sookie stackhouse series. I don't know
where I'll find the time to do that though. Wish me luck.

My thoughts are with the Lauxs. I'm so proud of Trish and I know
Charlie will be doing just fine in a few days. He's sooo adorable!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's a boy!!!

I'm so happy. Now Jonas has another playmate. That's all the details I
know at this point.

After I eat lunch, I get to find out my new schedule. I think I'll be
tutoring math in the classrooms. It makes me want to eat very slowly.
I do feel bad for the classroom teachers. They haven't had a break to
themselves yet. Good thing I teach music.

On a personal note, Jonas bit me last night and made me bleed. This
has caused a problem this morning. The first bottle I pumped came out
bloody. Not to mention the pain. Ouch! I'm so grossed out.

Tomorrow's Friday!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trish is in Labor!

I just got a text that says trish went to the hospital. I'm so excited!

On another note, I can't figure out why my school is allowed to run
six minutes ahead of real time. This is starting to cause a problem
between teachers.

I played with the BCO last night for their funding recording. I'm sooo
excited. The musicianship of the ensemble was outstanding! I'm
humbled to be playing in the group. They make me want to be a better
musician. Granted we were o ly playing the brook green suite by holst.
I don't know if I would be able to keep up if it where any harder. I
guess at that point I would have to practice.

Happy Birthday, Brett!! That's going to be so cool it the baby is
born on your birthday. It will be your birthday buddy!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last day of no students!

I wish I had more sleep. I had a very off day. I'm just glad it's
almost over. Tomorrow is the first day for students. I get to see all
18 classes for 15 minutes each. I might skip a few so that I can eat
lunch. Then my classes will start on Wednesday. It feels strange to
start school on a Tuesday. I think I have the front of my room set up.
I just need to put out all of the instruments and do my next weeks
lesson plans. Oh yeah. My desk is a mess. I guess I should fix that. I
wouldn't want to start out the year with a messy desk. It could end up
that way for the rest of the year.

Well, wish me luck!


I auditioned for Scarowinds last night. I decided that if it became too much, I could always quit. I got there and the waiting room was packed. There were several people on the list just for check in. For two hours they shuffled me through waiting rooms. I didn't see anyone I knew until I got in the audition room. I recognized all three but I'm only friends with Nick. They welcomed me back and asked me which of my old spots I wanted to be in. I should have asked where everyone else was going to be but I didn't want to press my luck. I liked both of the spots for different reasons. One had two great hills to slide on but it was in the back of the park. The other is right up front with a creepy arbor but sometimes the crowds get too thick to slide. I don't really care which spot they put me in. I'm just glad to be back.

Saturday, August 22, 2009



Loves to walk!


Brett just brought it to my attention that I make a lot of typos in my
blog. You will have to forgive me since I type my entries on a
keyboard that is only 2.5 inches long. Not to mention that the auto-
correct feature on the iPhone will change words without my knowledge.
Someday I'm sure I will become better at typing with my thumbs. That
day is not today.


I tried to not bring work home but the only thing I needed to
accomplish on Friday was the only thing I didn't get done. I finished
all of my boards except one. I successfully ran my first meeting of
the year. I did not get to my lesson plans. I just spent an hour on
them and I think that what I did will get me through till Thursday
when my second set of lessons will be due.

I found out that I have cafeteria duty in the mornings and I got my
recorder club approved. I still don't know what I'll be teaching to
fill up my schedule but I did let her know that I am great in math.

Stephanie is not coming till next weekend which works out better for
us because I have a lot to do today and tomorrow. I need to go grocery
shopping and do laundry before tomorrow afternoon.

The CCO has a family picnic at 4 tomorrow to kick off the new season.
I figured I could tag along with Brett and Jonas even though I don't
plan on playing this season. It will give everyone a chance to meet
Jonas. I'm going to go to scarowinds auditions after that. I think
I'm going to at least start scarowinds this year. And if it ever
becomes too much, I could always just quit.

I am playing with a new chamber orchestra on Tuesday. They need to
make a recording so that they can get funding from the arts and
science council.


3.5 miles in 44 minutes (I walked a mile).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Open House

I'm so ready for bed. I told you it was a fluke. He had a really rough

Melinda and I went to the music workshop yesterday and found out that
every music teacher got an iPod and a Bose sound dock. Learning all
about apples made me come home and get Brett to buy an iMac. I can't
wait till it gets here!

Today I got to go in to work late because we had open house at night.
I put up six of my seven bulletin boards. And moved some chairs
around. I still have two more days to get everything done.

Stephanie and JP are coming tomorrow so I'm not sure when I'll get to
run. We are going to Discovery Place this weekend to see their
shipwreck treasure exhibit. I should be able to get some sleep next

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good sleeper

Jonas slept from 8:30 till 6:30 and only work up for a snack at 3. I'm
so proud of my good sleeper! I hope this is a new trend.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


3 miles in 33:20 minutes

The Backyardigans

Back to work

Meetings are great. It gives me time to daydream about nothing. I did
get to see my room for a few minutes today. And I did get my schedule
so that I could see how few classes of music I will be teaching. I
have lots of little boxes of TBA to be filled by my principal who
informed me that she owns me. I can't wait.

Jonas did well today. I can't stop covering him with kisses. I missed
him sooo much! I really hope I get to stay home soon. I also hope we
get to move back to Florida. I can't wait to see how Brett's meeting
is going to go on Thursday.

Monday, August 17, 2009




Jonas and his cow.

Goodbye Summer

I don't want to go back to school.

I've spent the day getting ready for work. I think I have everything
Jonas will need. I've been thinking about his schedule and how much
food to pack him. I just don't know what to pack a 10 month old for
lunch. I'm sure I'll come up with better ideas at some point.

We went shopping this morning. I forgot to look at the time and I made
it to the stores before anything was open. So we walked around the
mall with the mall walkers. I got my new flip flops that I have been
wanting (even though Brett told me to wait till next weekend). And I
bought two work shirts from Old Navy.

Stephanie and John Paul are coming to visit this weekend. I can't wait
to hang out with them.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


After our ikea breakfast, we decided to go shopping. Too bad nothing
was open yet. So we went to Walmart. I got a few work shirts. Then we
went to Concord Mills. I really want the Nike flip flops that I saw in
Dicks so we went around to every shoe store to see if I could find
them but no luck. I'll just have to wait till next weekend.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day of Beauty

Tomorrow shall be my day of beauty. I would like to do my nails,
practice fixing my hair for work, practice with my new makeup...
Basically everything I haven't done since I got pregnant. I started by
clear coating my nails tonight. You know it has been a while when your
husband asks you to explain why you are painting your nails clear. I'm
not even sure he has ever seen me paint my own nails. I asked home to
do my right hand now that his job includes touch up painting... He
didn't respond. Maybe one day I will be so lucky.

Jonas had a pretty good day. He only fussed when he fell down and hit
his head or when he was ready to go to bed and I kept walking away
from him. He had a lot of fun at the grocery store. He had to look at
everything we put in the cart. I'm sad that they don't give out free
balloons anymore.

I'm looking forward to our ikea breakfast tomorrow.


2 miles in 21:20 minutes

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jonas and Camden


Jonas had another rough night. I must be doing something wrong.

Today was his last playgroup of the summer. Jonas decided to cry
almost the whole way there. He was fine once he got around all the
other kids. He stuck every toy in his mouth. I feel bad for Alex.
Logan is starting to tolerate Jonas a little more.

We then went out to Red Robin for lunch. We had a crowd with 13 kids.
Then Jonas got to sleep in the car so I guess this means I won't be
napping today.

I can't wait for Brett to get home.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


2 miles in 23:30 minutes. Then I walked another mile.

Running with Jonas does make a difference.

Kung Fu Panda

Watchin' a movie.


On the train at Village Park.


Someone slept very well last night. But ever since he woke up, Jonas
has been determined to do everything I've ever said no to. And then he
was throwing a tantrum when I wouldn't let him do something.

So as a reward for his behavior (really just to get him out of the
house), I took him to the Splash Pad in Kannapolis. We both got wet
and then we ate lunch. He also got to ride on the train. I took him
home so he could have a nap and he wanted nothing to do with that.
This should be a fun afternoon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


3 miles in 32 minutes.

Love the cooler weather!

Sleeping in

Jonas didn't wake up till 9 this morning. It felt great to get a few
extra hours of sleep. I guess that he was making up for his restless
night. He also took a long nap and is falling asleep in my lap. I
hope he won't get too much sleep.

We were going to go walk around Northlake mall but we ended up at
Target. I got a new lip-gloss and some hair ties. I almost got Jonas an
iDog and some Legos but I decided to wait for his birthday.

I want to go through my closet and get out my dressy work clothes to
see which ones fit. It would be like getting new clothes because I
haven't dressed up for work in a few years.

I think I'm going to give Jonas a bath in the big tub tonight once
Brett gets home. It might work better now that he can sit up well. And
he can play with all of his bath toys.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Ridgeline


Brett dragged me to the Honda store so that he could get a black, 06 Ridgeline and three hours later, I'm the owner of a new truck. I'm just glad that I don't have to hear about cars for a few months. Because it took so long, I won't get to run tonight :(

We did have fun hanging out with auntie Mel today. We went swimming and she few us a wonderful antipasto wrap (yum!). It was nice to get some girl time.

Jonas' reaction

What he thought about sitting in a dealership for three hours.

The truck

Father's Day

Sitting in his first gift to his dad.

Enjoying his tunnel

Not sleeping

Monday, August 10, 2009


On a very hot day...

3 miles in 40 minutes (I walked the last mile)

Last week of summer

We went to Ikea this morning for their pancakes. I really just wanted
to try out the new stroller which works great. Jonas is having a fussy
day so he didn't want to look around the store. It just took him 30
minutes to fall asleep for his first and only nap so I hope he sleeps
for a while. I think I may be getting sick...Blah! I hope I'm not
because I would love to go over to Melinda's tomorrow and hang out by
the pool.

Look at the fan

He is so proud of himself for attempting to say Fan.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


2 miles in 23:40.

Pretty good for taking a three week break.

New stroller

Jonas takes a ride in his new stroller!


This is the stroller we are about to buy.

Old blog

I found my old blog... interesting reading if you have nothing better to do.

I'm changing my e-mail

My new e-mail address will be...

And it is 9.9.09 today!

New car seat

He is two seconds away from crying though you wouldn't know by his smile.

Free Coffee!!!

Yesterday we got up to get to Ikea before they opened. Apparently they
serve free coffee every morning. They also have a breakfast of eggs,
bacon, hash browns, and French toast sticks for $1.99. Jonas enjoyed
his first eggs (something he won't be getting at home). This might be
our new weekly spot if we can keep out of the store. I <3>When we got home, Brett hung our new lights for me. Melvin came over
to sell Brett on the Ridgeline which he will be purchasing any moment
now. Melinda was such a good aunt to clip Kippy's claws for her. Jonas
had a great time hanging out with her.

This morning, Jonas has been trying to say some complicated words. He
said good morning, talked about the butterflies, and said coffee.
Well, maybe it didn't sound like any of that but at least he is trying.

I would like to start running again. I guess I'll have to go without
Brett because his hip has been hurting. Maybe if I run without him,
I'll keep his motivation up.

Time to start the laundry!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sleepy baby

This is what Jonas has been doing while I've been on the computer!

The Jonas Cousins

We are petting each other (Logan was a puppy).

This is The Jonas Cousins! That is new baby Jackson on my mom's lap.

Waiting for dad


Jonas and Granddaddy in ikea.

Take two

Ok so maybe I can do this on my iPhone. Now I just need to figure out how to post pictures from my phone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Take one

I was inspired by Trish to blog while Jonas is napping. I'll only continue if I can do this from my iphone.

...till next time!