Friday, April 30, 2010

Yard Sale

Am I crazy? I'm going to participate in the community yard sale tomorrow. Even though Brett is out of town. This should be interesting. Taking care of a small child and selling our stuff. Thank goodness for the DVD player.

I feel like I have asthma. I've had a very difficult time catching my breath and I keep coughing. I feel worse at night so that is why I didn't go to the doctor the past few days. It's hard to go complain about something when you don't feel that bad. I hope it is better tonight.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


We are going to the pediatrician today for his 18 month check up. I hope they tell me he just has a cold. I am glad that it also means no shots today.

Brett got the order to get his house ready to sell so it looks like Florida might be definite. Polk county has a hiring freeze and the other counties don't have their available positions up yet. Maybe I should go down there and start a private music lesson business instead of teaching. I don't know how that will work out with Brett's new job pay plan.

I have a headache thinking of everything that needs to get done to try to sell this house. I guess I should start a to do list and every weekend we can aim for one or two items.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The garden

7 more weeks

School will be out soon. I just have to keep telling myself that. My concert is over and I have decided to show the video to the classes next week so that I don't have to write several lesson plans. EOGs are in two weeks then we have field day. I feel like I'm in the home stretch.

I planted a garden and most everything is growing. I can't wait to partake in all the fresh veggies. The only things that didn't make it are the strawberries and the asparagus but I hear that they don't do much the first year.

Brett might be moving to Florida. If everything works out well there, I'll be joining him. Sad that I'll be giving up my new garden and fruit trees but I guess I can always start a new garden.

Jonas goes to the Dr. on Monday and I go on Tuesday. Maybe I'll get to make the gender appointment soon.