Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More knitting

I guess I made a scarf.


Don't ask me what I'm making. I don't even know myself.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back to Work

I managed to get a cold...again. So I stayed home today. It worked out well for me because I got to skip my two worst classes and the faculty meeting.

I wish I could see New Moon this weekend but I guess I'll have to wait. I am touring homes this weekend. I guess just to get my hopes up since we are not ready to move. But its nice to dream.

Jonas had a pretty good day today. He took both naps, was only fussy for a few hours after the second nap, and went with me to Target. I can't wait to be a stay at home mom. It would be nice to spend more time with him.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Why didn't I sleep train earlier? I think my life has improved so much since Jonas quit waking up in the night. I now have all this free time to sit at the computer and blog. Or surf the internet.

Fire pirate

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alone for a week

Brett is going to Florida for a week. Jonas and I will be alone all
week. I guess we'll be going to target alot.

I can't believe my weekend is already over. I'll be throwing the
winter concert together since this is my last full week for
rehearsals. I hope they pull it together for me. I can't wait till it
is over but then again I'll just have the next concert to work on. It
never ends.

We went house hunting today. I found a few that look promising. One
had an unfinished basement and overlooked the golf corse. The backyard
is a huge hill. I don't know if I like that. I think the one from the
other day with the lake view is still on my list. It's nice to dream.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Am I really getting sick again? My throat is raw and red. Blah

I feel like it is a Monday even though tomorrow is Friday. I'm not a fan of having the middle of the week off. It is too disorientating. I guess it is better than nothing.

I fell in and out of love with a house in Highland Creek today. It is out of our price range and we aren't ready to buy yet.

Jonas is teething and really needy. He must not be feeling well like me. I hope he isn't sick.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009


Two of my best classes just acted out today. Oh well. I always wonder
if it's me when that happens. Am I the one having a bad day? I guess
I didn't make them break my rules.

Jonas had a bad day yesterday. I picked him up early to go to his one
year appointment. So he didn't get his afternoon nap. Then he had to
get four shots and have blood drawn. Poor thing. His numbers are good
though. He is 22lbs 8oz in the 45%. He is 30.5in in the 75th for
height and he still has a big head in the 97%. Ha.

We did get to go to target and spend some money so it wasn't all bad.
I hope he has a better day today. We might go paint some pottery after
school. I'll see if he is up for it when I pick him up.

So off of Courtney's recommendation, I am going to read the Hunger
Games. I hope it is as good as Twilight. I need a good book.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I can relax again.

Party is over, company is gone, so I can get back to my normal
schedule. I have the one year drs appointment in a few hours. His
pictures are also this weekend since the weather has not been agreeing
with us lately. I didn't take a single picture with my phone lately so
that is why I have not been blogging. Now that I'm back to normal, I
may be posting again.

Jonas is walking a lot better and he is talking up a storm. My little
man is growing up :)