Thursday, December 24, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The start

I forgot to mention that I made these out of violin strings.


I'm trying to find something that will make me money so that I can stay at home. The newest idea is to make jewelry. Today, I've made two bracelets and a ring. I need to make more until I can have enough to start a website on Esty. Then I'll get business cards and I'll be on my way. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More knitting

I guess I made a scarf.


Don't ask me what I'm making. I don't even know myself.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back to Work

I managed to get a cold...again. So I stayed home today. It worked out well for me because I got to skip my two worst classes and the faculty meeting.

I wish I could see New Moon this weekend but I guess I'll have to wait. I am touring homes this weekend. I guess just to get my hopes up since we are not ready to move. But its nice to dream.

Jonas had a pretty good day today. He took both naps, was only fussy for a few hours after the second nap, and went with me to Target. I can't wait to be a stay at home mom. It would be nice to spend more time with him.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Why didn't I sleep train earlier? I think my life has improved so much since Jonas quit waking up in the night. I now have all this free time to sit at the computer and blog. Or surf the internet.

Fire pirate

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alone for a week

Brett is going to Florida for a week. Jonas and I will be alone all
week. I guess we'll be going to target alot.

I can't believe my weekend is already over. I'll be throwing the
winter concert together since this is my last full week for
rehearsals. I hope they pull it together for me. I can't wait till it
is over but then again I'll just have the next concert to work on. It
never ends.

We went house hunting today. I found a few that look promising. One
had an unfinished basement and overlooked the golf corse. The backyard
is a huge hill. I don't know if I like that. I think the one from the
other day with the lake view is still on my list. It's nice to dream.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Am I really getting sick again? My throat is raw and red. Blah

I feel like it is a Monday even though tomorrow is Friday. I'm not a fan of having the middle of the week off. It is too disorientating. I guess it is better than nothing.

I fell in and out of love with a house in Highland Creek today. It is out of our price range and we aren't ready to buy yet.

Jonas is teething and really needy. He must not be feeling well like me. I hope he isn't sick.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009


Two of my best classes just acted out today. Oh well. I always wonder
if it's me when that happens. Am I the one having a bad day? I guess
I didn't make them break my rules.

Jonas had a bad day yesterday. I picked him up early to go to his one
year appointment. So he didn't get his afternoon nap. Then he had to
get four shots and have blood drawn. Poor thing. His numbers are good
though. He is 22lbs 8oz in the 45%. He is 30.5in in the 75th for
height and he still has a big head in the 97%. Ha.

We did get to go to target and spend some money so it wasn't all bad.
I hope he has a better day today. We might go paint some pottery after
school. I'll see if he is up for it when I pick him up.

So off of Courtney's recommendation, I am going to read the Hunger
Games. I hope it is as good as Twilight. I need a good book.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I can relax again.

Party is over, company is gone, so I can get back to my normal
schedule. I have the one year drs appointment in a few hours. His
pictures are also this weekend since the weather has not been agreeing
with us lately. I didn't take a single picture with my phone lately so
that is why I have not been blogging. Now that I'm back to normal, I
may be posting again.

Jonas is walking a lot better and he is talking up a storm. My little
man is growing up :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sick boys

Both of my men were sick this weekend. I think that Jonas' fever is gone. He still has a cough and is a little more fussy than usual but that could be because he slept in. I can't seem to get him to nap right now.

Brett is going to build us a patio this week. I think it is going to be nice. I am waiting for Lowes to deliver the materials. Then I think I'm going to go grocery shopping for the first time with Jonas and no Brett. Wish me luck.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Jonas learned how to walk this weekend during the Gator game. He would start at the chaise lounge and then walk/ fall into me. He only took about three steps before he would fall into my arms. So the next day, I took him to Target to practice and he walked halfway down the toy isle. He also walked the length of the bonus room once we got home. He has been doing it on and off ever since.
Last night he slept through the night. As always, I know that that was a fluke. Maybe his teething is done for the moment. I have also switched one of his feedings over to whole milk. Maybe that is more filling for him. Libbi's kid is sick so I hope he doesn't end up catching it.
I think I'm going to take Friday, his birthday, off from school. I figured he only turns one once. We are going to go to the Renaissance Festival on Saturday and maybe the hot air balloon fest on Sunday. I also planned where we will be Trick or Treating. I want to go to Masters Hill in Highland Creek (the nice homes) or a few homes in Olmstead. I could be wrong, but I figured the nicer homes may have better candy...ha!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tummy sleeper

For trickortreating



I've been playing with the new kittens that we found in our boat all
week. That's been keeping me busy all week.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Since I have to stand in this really long line for makeup, I figured I
better do something to pass the time. I think I'm alergic to the
burlap that the monster in front of me is wearing. I keep sneezing.

So this may be my last night. I'm not quite sure how I am going to
quit. I depends on how the night goes. I'm pretty tired already so if
I can't scare anyone, I'll just go home.

Jonas was in a great mood before I left so I hope he stays that way
for the rest of the night.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Time for bed

I guess I can't do it all. I think I'm going to give up scarowinds.
Friday was a very long day. 5:30am till 1:00am. I am not able to sleep
in. Once Jonas is awake, I'm awake. Saturday night, I was too tired to
scare anyone. I still had fun. I also realized that I'd be missing
out on trick or treating with Jonas.

So I am going to do it Friday night. I may also work Saturday but I am
going to quit after that.

Time to catch up on sleep.

Touch a truck


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Mom's in town. We went out to dinner last night. Jonas had a good
night. Though he was up at 5:30.

The new art teacher started this week. I like her much better than the
old one. Her daughter is in college. She doesn't look like she should
have a daughter in college. I just hope the kids don't run her off.

I can't believe that it is already Thursday. And October. The weather
has been so cool. I love fall!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mom's coming

She will be here tomorrow through next week. I'm looking forward to seeing her.

Scarowinds was pretty wet this weekend but at least they sent us home early. We went to Carowinds on Sunday. Jonas got to ride on the carousel. That was about all he could do. He did get a free pumpkin.

Yesterday was a teacher workday. I got everything done except my lesson plans, the only thing I went there to do. I was pretty productive other than that. I even got caught up on sleep.

Today was a good day at school. The kids are very excited about getting their recorders. We'll see how long that lasts.

Time to go hang out with my men.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Run Like a Girl 8k

"Sick" Day

Also known as "Linz skips school" Day. I wanted to take the day off to
get some rest (see picture below).

Scarowinds was fun last night. I do get to be a vamp. I started out
last night as a victim with a bruise on my face that I standed in line
for an hour to get. The I asked my supervisor if I could be a vampire
instead. I had my teeth in for the rest of the night. I had a lot of
good scares and I also received quite a few complements on my scaring
ability. We got to go home at ten. That was great news.

On my way to the car, the sky opened up and I got drenched. I felt as
though I was standing under a hose. I also found out that my pants
are waterproof. Good to know.

Brett is going to make me some slider gloves. I'm soooo happy!

Who needs naps?

Ikea again

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I did my slider certification last night. I don't think they were
going to let me be a slider but Corine decided to adopt me like she
did two years ago. I'm still not sure what I'm going to wear though. I
might take Jonas and Brett shopping tonight and see if I can find some
pants. I'm also not sure if I'm a vampire or a victim. They have me
down as a victim but I'm just not sure how that role works for a
slider. If all else fails, I could just put my teeth in and say that
I'm a newly changed vamp.

Jonas kept us up last night. He threw a fit around four and I'm still
not sure why. Once again, the backyardigans saved the day! Now I feel
like a zombie. I don't know how I'm going to make it through all five
classes today. I wish I could just put in a movie.

On the bright side, I just realized that Monday is a teacher workday.
Maybe I can catch up on some sleep by napping in my closet. I just
wish it weren't so far away.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I'm about to be gone for a while. I have four nights of scarowinds this week. I think I'm going to take a day or two off of school as well so hopefully I will not over do it.

Carlee's daughter got the flu last week so I've been checking Jonas' temp every time I touch him. I hope he doesn't catch it. The new sitter watched him on Friday. I like her and Jonas seemed to have a good time.

We went to Ikea and Walmart today. I bought a bunch of decorations for the birthday party. I can't wait to put them up. I might start on it today if I have time.

Yesterday, I did the Run Like a Girl 8K and I did the five miles in 54 minutes...Go me. I came in 41st place out of 90 in my age division. I never want to run a trail run again. Too hard.



Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dad's family

I found my dad's side of the family on Facebook. Everyday, I've
learned something new about them. I hadn't heard from them since my
wedding so it is nice to catch up.

Saturday, I am doing Run Like A Girl 8k. I'm looking forward to
running five miles again. I have a time limit because Brett has a gig
right after the run. I also heard on the radio that women have the
ability to be more physically fit after being pregnant. Something
about red blood cells, limber hips, and a higher pain tolerance. That
may be why I am able to run five miles for the first time in my life.
I think it is just because I am trying and practicing for the first
time in my life. Because it sure doesn't seem any easier to me.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Saturday's rehearsal was interesting. I found out that I am in a
maze :(. And my character is a victim of a vampire. I have now come to
accept that change. I realized that the difference is only where they
place the blood. I think I'd rather have it on my neck than my face
anyways. I guess the other big differece will be my acting skills. I
have to come up with new things to say. If you think of anything, let
me know. I got a costume and it was a too small mini skirt so I asked
how I was suppost to slide. They finally told me I could come up with
my own costume. The only thing I have is my patent leather red pants.
I wish they were black. I may need a top to go with them. They have
not picked who will get to slide yet. They want to see how scary we
can be first. It won't be too difficult in my area. I'm the only one
who has done this before. I hope someone will adopt me as they have
done in years past. Maybe I'll get to roam the park like I got to do
two years ago.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Car Seats

On our way to Matthews to pick up a new car seat.  Not really how I wanted to spend my evening but it is necessary.  Jonas is running through his vocabulary at the moment.  So cute.

I decided to see how my run goes tomorrow before I register for Run Like a Girl

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is the first time that I've sat down all day. I keep running
around and finding more work for myself. I wish my to do list would
stop growing.

This weekend we went to the great Dane rescue and then the raptor
center. Monday I had to go get my badge from carowinds and that was
about all we did. I ran last night after eatting way too much at
hawthorns with Courtney, Jackson, and Logan.

The kids have been really well behaved so far. The only two classes to
loose their sticker so far just happen to be the next two classes I
get to teach. I can't wait. Wish me luck.

I don't think I have any plans tonight. I might clean the house a
little and then take Jonas and kippy for a walk. Tomorrow I would like
to run (and vampire diaries starts). Friday is Carlee's jewelry party
and Saturday is scarowinds. Sunday I'm going to try to meet the new
sitter for when Carlee is out for maternity leave. I don't think
anything is going on next week.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009



We found some already. I'm going to look up pumpkin patches and see if
there are any open yet.

Jonas has a cold. Not as bad as mine though. I hope it goes away soon.
He hates having his nose wiped but I can't stand looking at the snot.

Debbie and Dale are in town for one more day. Brett, Jonas, and I will
have the whole day to ourselves tomorrow.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Jonas has a knot on his head. He fell yesterday at Carlee's. I think
he might be getting what I have. If I was a good parent, I would stay
at home and take care of him. But I figure there is nothing I can do
for him that Carlee can't.

Dale and Debbie are coming this weekend. I have carowinds orientation
tomorrow night so it will be good for Brett to have some help. I am
looking forward to the three day weekend. I may even go on a date with
Brett if we can think of something to do.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

At the Y


Here is a picture from jonas' playgroup.